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Success Stories

Success stories shared with us by our team members at Crime Victim Services Pakistan . May God accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.

A 13 year old Christian girl was reportedly converted to Islam and married to a Muslim man aged around 50.The man was not allowing her to go back to her parents.

It is heard that today the High Court ordered that the girl be shifted to a shelter home immediately. Hats off to Tasleem Gulshan Coordinator South Punjab Crime Victim Services Pakistan and Naina Samson Regional Manager Crime Victim Services Pakistan for playing your role.


A widow and her children in butkhela Malakand were dispossessed by her ex brother in law whose close relative is serving as a Lower Court Judge. Legal proceedings are now against both oppressors underway.


A lower division clerk in Lodhran has reportedly ammassed Billions of assets which are beyond his legal sources of income.

Complaint against him for assets beyond means with evidence has been forwarded to NAB Multan.

A bank employee in Noshera was being threatened by customers and nobody was supporting him. He approached us for assistance. He was guided and counseled by Adv seema gul Senior legal executive at CVSP gave him legal assistance.

An overseas Pakistani in Denmark had some property issue in Pakistan.
He was given appropriate advice.

An overseas Pakistani in UK found copy of document that proved ownership of commercial property 30 kanals worth Billions.

Case referred to our lawyer for proceeding as per law.

A Pakistani brother in UAE needed financial assistance for his medical treatment.
Our Manager UAE assisted him in getting the support.

An individual was reported by Tasleem Gulshan Coordinator South punjab to have ammassed Billions of assets beyond his known sources of income.

Case forwarded to NAB Multan against the culprit.

A female was raped in a village of Sargodha division by Imam Masjid taking benefit of absence of her husband. First lawyer despite taking fee from victim supported the rapist.
2nd lawyer despite taking fee from victim supported the rapist.
Our Regional Manager Muhammad Haasher Javaid helped the victim and assisted in getting an honest lawyer and get FIR etc initiated against the rapist.

A member provincial assembly who had a case against him for assets beyond means in NAB Lahore approached Dr. Mukarram Baig for legal assistance.
Being found that the allegations against him were false. He was assisted and case against him got closed.


A member Senate of Pakistan who had a case against him for assets beyond means in NAB approached Dr. Mukarram Baig for legal assistance.
Being found that the allegations against him were false. He was assisted and case against him got closed

A milk seller approached Dr. Mukarram Baig for help as he was not being allowed to construct walls on his plot by PCBL was assisted and was got allowed.

A property dispute arose between heirs of deceased son and then death of father. The son was issueless. The family was assisted in getting succession from the concerned court.

A girl Fatima in Lahore was harassed and threatened. Our team member Ali Shahzad Manager CVSP helped her voice reach media and senior members of law enforcement.

Rep of owners of Grand Avenue Housing society approached Dr. Mukarram Baig for handling their case in NAB. They were advised to either return the money of public or give them plots as promised.
Unfortunately not listening to the right advice at the right time has consequences. They r behind the bars now. Public submitting claims against them.

Rep of owners of a Housing society on Kasur Road approached Dr. Mukarram Baig for handling their case in NAB. They were advised to either return the money of public or give them plots as promised.
Unfortunately not listening to the right advice at the right time has consequences. Both Father and son got arrested . Public submitting claims against them.

A lady in UK who was facing domestic violence from her husband approached us to stop her husband from returning to UK.
Noman Haqqani was very helpful and arranged the assistance needed.


A wife had filed a case of khula against her husband but the husband did not want her to leave.
The husband approached our Senior Legal Executive Shah Fahad Wazir to solve their problem because the lives of the children were to suffer. Our honourable team member Shah Fahad Wazir approached his wife. The wife insisted that her husband has become very addicted to drugs and she can not live with such a person. Shah Fahad Wazir told her that he will try to get her husband to do a proper rehabilitation course and leave these things behind. Shortly After doing everything, Shah Fahad Wazir succeeded in getting a compromise between them.


Our team member Rijab Yousaf collected funds and different things for EDHI center (2015)
As I am the part of girls guide so I collected money and different kind of toys and daily use accessories from all my college students and donated to EDHI center located in Islamabad. (Total worth Around Rs 50000).

She has also provided Free Counselling sessions to students who need them but unable to pay for it and I also guide them in making their assignments free of cost and in data analysis by using SPSS and data entry.


A 19 year old girl was sexually abused by a man during her high school, she was severly depressed, she started living alone, and wanted to do suicide. Her family was also worried because of her this condition as she stopped her studies and started hating all men in the society and she used to cry all the time .
She approched our team member 
Nazish Akbar Gondal  in a very bad condition and after two to three sessions which were conducted with her, she started recovering from the depressive symptoms and got ready to continue her studies again. She has now started meeting her friends as well.


Our team Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story
The client was 17 years old male. He was referred by the administration of DHQ (Mianwali) for the purpose of assessment and management of his problems. He was presented with the symptoms of poor appetite, sleep disturbance, hand tremors, body pains, low mood, using alcohol and fight with family members. His problem started at the age of 16 years when he started to use alcohol due to bad company of friends.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status Examination (MSE) and Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment of Alcohol Scale, Revised (CIWA-Ar) was done.
Assessment results indicated that the client was suffering from severe Alcohol Withdrawal.
The client showed significant improvement in his symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to sleep and appetite, body pains, irritability and tremors.

Our team member Ayesha umer has shared her experience with us ,
"A male , 35 years old done with post graduation in English literature, gov lecturer, came with the complaints of persistent low mood, loss of interest, insomnia, anxiety, indecisiveness, low self esteem, weight gain from 60-92, suicidal thoughts, one suicidal attempt in history, low concentration, unable to perform usual tasks from last 5 years, also having history of emotional traumas. Family psychiatric history was significant.
Human figure drawing and thematic apperception test were administered and eclectic approach was used to treat the client after 12 sessions he is successfully treated. "


Our team member Sadaqat Shaikh has shared her experience with us regarding Hassam, a 3 year old boy , 
"Time to time I noticed Hassam got scared when I asked him in a polite way why he is crying and he asked to switch off the fan.I got shocked why he is scared and why he's saying to switch it off. I called his mother to meet me the next day to whom I told the whole story.She then told me one day a balloon had burst and the fan was on,  so he was frightened and  began crying when fan was switched on. His deeply concerned mother asked me to please remove his fear of the fan.
Here challenge started with what to do with his 3 year old boy to remove his fear of fan.

Day one I sat with Hassam in the side of the room he was scared so I told him there is no danger when I switched the fan on. Hee silently listened and watched the fan.The next day I again sat with Hassam under the fan and the fan was on but this time he was alittle less scared than before. I again told him there is no danger when I switched the fan on.He understood and silently listened and watched the fan.I had repeated this process 3 to 4 times and I had successfully removed Hassam's fan fear


Our team member Sadaqat Shaikh has shared her experience with us 

"The task of recording history from patient is not easy.
In my ward almost all patients were of schizophrenia & depression.But they were all 50% treated and learned healthy life style. As a psychologist I can not behave strictly with anyone so I decide play with them some games or activity that was the way they all were ready to play with me or excited about activity.
I bought some color pencils and drawing books , stickers, and chocolate for winner and all ward patience other activity is singing and poetry or stories during these times I also guide some manners like teeth your brush every morning or before sleeping , before and after eating you must wash your hand and mouth . All patient interested and happily interact with me and enjoy activities . That was the time patient confidently said what ever they want to said like their favorite food drink or something else "


Our Regional Manager Naina Samson has shared update with us

"In KP we are trying our level best to reach out most of the girls who are suffering due to Cyber Crime. Our Crime reporters at University’s have referred and identified so many cases where adolescent girls were suffering emotionally and psychologically due to this issue therefore in last week we had organized an awareness session where our team shared, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, so that we might add good soil and water to the seeds that are planted. With a goal that if most of the girls will be aware about their own rights they might be able to fight back and be strong at courageous at the times of worldly storms such as Gender Based Violence or Harassment. And also we guided them regarding different situation where to report and what to do with the perpetrator. Even now our team is working hard to help support people in need of our services.""


Our team member Sana Mansoor has shared her experience with us

"A case of 40+years old married female with the presenting complaints of panic attack, overthinking, pessimistic view of life, low self esteem, and low mood.. A detailed interview was done and the history was taken for rapport building and to understand the case. In initial sessions she did her catharsis, different activities were given to her as a homework. In the middle of sessions, different therapeutic approaches were used that helps her to reached to deep rooted issues of her, she can make sense of her issues and her psychological conflicts were started resolving. When the case reached to the termination she gave the feedback that She felt a positive change in herself, she feels good about herself, can think positively now."

Our team member Sadaqat Shaikh has shared her experience with us

"A mother came with his 10 year old son and asking about doctor, the doctor was in a meeting. In this period i continuously observed those mother she was very worried and scared about son ,then I went to them and said come with me . It was my first time I was deal client lonely . After demographic information the presenting complain of her son is aggression due to aggression whole family worried and decided to separate that child from family . The boy has mood swings problem also in aggression they bitting, hitting and so on and other time react normally . I personally give some suggestions don't separate him from family care and give attention more then other family child .Take care of his healthy diet , play with him as they like but avoid harmful and poisoning substance . listen carefully what he said ,what he like to wear , eat , play and everything but slowly slowly also guide him what is wrong or right for him .
After that she feels better then above and went smiling.I was a wonderful experience for me of bringing smile on a mother's face.


Alhamdolillah with a little guidance by Dr. Mukarram Baig, a female student who was being harassed and had approached for help through our team member Ali Iqbal Ansari,few days back, her case got formally initiated by the concerned law enforcement.


Our team member Ayesha umer has shared her experience with us

""A mother came with one son, she is mother of two son, living in an independent family system, her younger son was showing one maladaptive behavior that is touching own private organs (genitalia organ) I made a base line n gave some task to his mother by completing Some task his mother get acknowledge of his sexual touching by one of his cousin although parents are much responsible and take care a lot of their children
After making a treatment plan including rapport building, developing insight and use of ABA
Now client have considerable improvement came now he is successfully terminated from sessions."


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared her experience with us

"A child named M.A was a 13 years old boy came with presenting complaints of slow learning, understanding, speaking, remembering and writing. His attention span was also very short. He was a very dull student. Behavioural observation, clinical interview from teacher, functional checklist and PGEE were used for the assessment of child. The child's functional level predicts that he was weak in some areas such as learning and short attention span. Management plan focused on development and enhancement of some prerequisites of learning, eye contact, and eye hand coordination socialization and motor skills. Group activity was also conducted which help the child how to behave with other fellows. To boost his energy level different tangible rewards were used that motivates him to actively participate in an activity. At the end of the sessions many improvements was observed that verbally communicated to his teacher and parents."


Our team member Nazish Akbar Gondal has shared her experience with us

"A 29 year old, married, working male approached me with the complaints of having stress due to family, financial issues, lack of interest in work, lack of decision making capacity at home and at work, fear of being fired from work and anger attacks. He was too much depress as his job was at stake because of his uncontrollable condition, he was unable to control his emotions, wanted a stable life but was unable to take any step. He was provided psychological intervention regarding his problem and was provided with emotional management techniques, relaxation, behaviour modification for dealing at home or at work, anger management, supportive therapy, empathetic listening and interpersonal therapy. After almost two sessions there was obvious change in his condition and he was able to settle down his work stress and his family conflicts as well. He was having a notable change in his anger issues."


Our team member Nazish Akbar Gondal has shared her experience with us

"A 25 year old lady with BSCS degree was suffering from emotional weakness, crying spells, pressure from family for passing css exam, zero social life. She came up with a very downcast and scanty condition and reported that she is facing all these problems as one of her friends had cheated on her, which was very hurtbreaking for her and after that she couldn't stable her self and suffering from these issues. After careful analysis and psychological assessment she was given motivational counseling for her future goals, she was empathaised for being alone. Therapeutic approches were applied including cognitive restructuring, interpersonal therapy, support orineted therapy, advised for better routine and changed life style. After providing psychotherapy for one month a considerable change was seen in her problem."

Our team member Nazish Akbar Gondal has shared her experience with us

"18 year old girl student of 2nd year was suffering from low mood, lack of interest in social activities, sleep issues, studies confusion (unable to study due to overthinking), lack of appetite and headache. She approached me with crying spells as this all was affecting her future goals and relationship with family. After psychological assessment by applying BDI, she was diagnosed with moderate level of depression due to some family stress at her home. She was given proper attention and psychological care. She was dealt with empathy, unconditioned regard, interpersonal therapy, relaxation techniques and was advised to buil her social circle. After almost three sessions she came up with the recovery from her symptoms. Now she is more able to deal with family, she goes to meet her friends and can focus on studies more attentively then before. "

Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared her experience with us

"Child was 9 years old came with the presenting complaints poor learning, language disability and poor attention. Behaviour observation clinical case history interview from teacher's functional checklist and portage guide to early education PGEE were used for the measurement of the child. Management plan was used to enhance learning, socialization, attention and memory. 10 sessions were conducted with the child and somehow the improvement was observed. He tried to play with other children and try to participate in group activities.""


Our team member fakhar un nisa has shared her experience with us  

"Mr T.k ,Male 47 years old ,After seeking treatment from several hospitals, he was brought to Us by his father. His presenting complaints include lack of interest in daily activities, elevated and expansive mood, talkative, flight of ideas, distractibility, and increase in goal-directed activity and psychomotor agitation.
My client was indulged in addiction from the time he was 14 years old. He started smoking regular cigarettes due to peer group influence and he reported that his parents did not have a healthy relationship and he used to be in a state of stress due to that, so to fill that void he indulged himself in smoking cigarettes. At the age of 17, he started use of snuff and when he was 18 years old he tried Hash for the first time. According to him, he smoked any of these drugs according to his mood and need. At the age of 20, he moved to China to learn Chinese language and did different courses there. After one year he moved back to Pakistan, after 6 months he flew back to China and stayed there until he was 26. He continued smoking Hash and some other drugs with his Chinese fellows. At the age of 26, he moved from China to Japan. At the age of 26, he moved from China to Japan and after 2 years flew back to Pakistan and continued cigarettes and snuff till he was 30. He moved to Korea after 1.5 years and stayed there for 2.5 years, he did not smoke regularly in this period and smoked rarely. At the age of 33, he got married to his cousin in England and started working as a security officer in a private security agency. He got married thinking that a new relationship might help in breaking his addiction habit but it turned out to be exact opposite of it. His marriage was not successful and he got divorced after 11 months of marriage. After a month, he came back to Pakistan. He performed Umrah and is jobless from 2006 to 2013. In 2013, his younger brother passed away and he was depressed due to his departure. He was much stressed, he referred to his brother as “If I am gold, he is silver” both of them were very close and it was a big loss for him. He couldn’t face it and started Hash addiction again or a regular basis. His father reported that he used to sit with other addicts in park and smoked Hash. His friends company and daily routine worsened day by day.
He was diagnosed with Substance induced bipolar and related disorders. prognosis was favourable and client response was appreciate able during his first 2,3 session . The important part for me is how to drive him and motivate him toward positive life . The major obstacle for his treatment is his environment , the product we get from the society is his current situation, peer pressure was present , home environment was not satisfactory.
So, my main focus was client to educate him parallel to his drug induced treament , in the treatment management i used CBT to modify distorted perception and modify behaviour along with that psycho educate family to improve treament results and to ensure his family members that their behaviours is provoking the client to use drugs and indulge in bad company that they are enabling him to continue his addiction.
After 8 months of continue effort my client was very insightfull and motivated toward productive life and drug free life .He learn how to manage his life without drug and do his resposibilties with any conflict and anxieties.
Every successful story needs time to be successful."


Our team member Nazish Akbar Gondal has shared her experience with us

"A 27 year old male, working in a multinational company, came up with the symptoms of anger attacks, lack of concentration on work and difficulty at handling workplace stress. These issues were spoiling his professional as well as family life, because he used to quarrel with everyone even on minor things. He was given psychological counselling, support oriented therapy, anger management techniques, management of workplace stress, relaxation techniques and emotion management. After three sessions, there was seems to be a considerable recovery in the symptoms. Now he can well manage his emotions, he started behaving decently at workplace then before and is now better able to cope the stress at work and at home .""


Our team member Nazish Akbar Gondal has shared her experience with us 

" A 16 year old girl, student of O-levels was suffering from symptoms of stress, aggression, fighting with her siblings, throwing things, self harm and anxiety as well. She approached me for proper psychological treatment of her problem. After proper psychological assessment and observation she was given psychotherapeutic intervention, including anger management techniques, relaxation techniques and behavior modification along with motivational Counselling. Now there is a considerable change in the intensity of her symptoms."


Our team member Nazish Akbar Gondal has shared with us her experience

"A 22 year old girl having symptoms of confusion in study, feeling low and depressed, contacted me while she was crying. According to her, she is no more worthwhile as she couldn't get good CGPA,this thing made her depressive and even her family life was also disturbed from all this. She was provided with relaxation techniques, support oriented therapy and motivational Counselling. After even first session she start improving and we completed our therapy program in three sessions. Now she is much better satisfied with her life then before."


Our team member Nazish Akbar Gondal has shared her experience with us

"A 21 year old girl, Student of BS, came up with the presenting complaints of stress, sleep issues, mood swings, lack of motivation, lack of pleasure, lack of social life, lack of direction in life and lack of decision making capacity. With proper assessment of the Symptoms she was analysed and diagnosed with moderate level of depression. She was given proper psychological care and therapeutic intervention which resulted in her successful recovery from the symptoms. Now she can sleep better, she has started meeting her friends and is motivated for her studies and attaining career goals."


Our team member Zarqa Aijaz has shared her experience with us

"A client 42 years old was going through severe financial crisis and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder his family abandoned him and his wife and children left him due to his mental condition, so one of his relative contacted and shared his story and I contacted few mental health hospitals and collected details according to his convenience and got him admitted to the hospital for free of cost treatment. "


Our team member Zarqa Aijaz has shared her experience with us

"A girl 23-year-old was in Nikah with a guy who was into drugs and was abusive and disrespecting towards client. He threatened not to disclose to anyone about his behaviour and was very upset so somehow, she contacted me and asked for help to get her out of this. She was basically scared to take any steps but during counselling I helped her and pushed her to involve her parents in this matter because her whole future was at stake so she finally told her parents after few sessions and came out of this toxic relationship. "


Our team member Zarqa Aijaz has shared her experience with us

"A 23-year-old boy was having suicidal thoughts and he googled something related to it and approached me and informed me about his decision, I heard him and counselled him and asked him to have few more sessions with me and after few sessions he was emotionally stable and got himself out of such disturbing thoughts and started looking at things in positive perspective. "

Our team member Zarqa Aijaz has shared her experience with us

"A lady 39 years old was in severe depression because of the ill-treatment of in-laws so she approached for counseling and was helped in dealing with her symptoms and after having couple of sessions she was confident enough to get her self out of the mess.
she called and thanked that she finally got separated from her in-laws"


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member Zarqa Aijaz has shared her experience with us

" There was a boy who was into drug addiction, he was relative of one of my friends and the client was not willing to go to rehab because of certain issues. So, I counselled him and convinced him to admit himself in rehab. It was very tough to convince him and took me 5 sessions but he finally agreed and after six months of rehabilitation he got himself out of all this. "


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member Zarqa Aijaz has shared her experience with us

"A girl age 19 years old had complaints of excessive negative thoughts and crying spells and some OCD related symptoms. She belongs to very strict family and was not allowed to go out much not even for therapy sessions. Because her family would provide her with all facilities at home, even she was getting her education at her home so she was provided online counselling sessions via calls. It was really positive feeling to be able to make some one feel good and help them deal with their issues from far away places via virtual means"


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member Zarqa Aijaz has shared her experience with us

"A girl 7 years old was brought by her mother with complaints of aggression, irritability, poor social skills and low self-confidence. She was raised by single parent and her mother was working women so she couldn’t give her much attention and time. She was very challenging client as it took me 3 days just to make her speak and speak her thoughts. At the end of many sessions her mother was satisfied and relieved that her anger issues were controlled and she was actually becoming social and making friends at school"


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member Zarqa Aijaz has shared her experience with us 

"A boy 21 years old came to seek therapy with complaints of crying spells, self-harm, aggression and suicidal attempts. He was basically homosexual and was in abusive relationship with his partner. His partner used to torture him and abuse him verbally, physically and sexually, but client was so scared that he could not tell him to back off or get himself out of that relationship. At the end of the therapeutic process, he was confident enough to deal with his partner and he finally told him that he wanted to end this relationship "


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member Zarqa Aijaz has shared her experience with us

"A lady 56 years old came to seek therapy because she was so stressed and indecisive at that time about some family issue concerning her daughters. she had 5 daughters. one of Her daughters got divorced due to some reason and She was so scared to take decision about the marriages of other daughters basically she was not able to take any decision out of fear of negative experience in the past and her daughter was concerned too that her mother is not letting her get married to the boy of her interest. Through counseling sessions, she finally realized that one bad experience does not dictate entire life experiences and she got ready to finally let go of that one bad experience and decided to allow her other daughter to marry. Her daughter was very relieved and thankful at the end of sessions."


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member Zarqa Aijaz has shared her experience with us

"Client living Karachi, who had panic disorder and he could not travel alone because of the fear of panic attacks or being stucked in situations in which help won’t be available. Whenever he went out or somewhere, he used to take someone along with him. After coming to therapy and taking few sessions he was actually able to move outside alone without taking anyone else along him and he came to me in final sessions with a smile telling me that he had been in such fear for 8 years and couldn’t believe that finally he has managed to overcome his fear. It made me realize that how we can actually help people dealing with their gravest fears through dedicating them our sincere efforts and services. This was the first time I felt so proud of myself. "


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member Nazish Akbar Gondal has share her experience with us

"A 23 year old girl, student of BS honors, approached me with the symptoms of stress, fear of future happenings , sleep issues and crying spells. After history taking and proper assessment she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety due to her break up, which was very hurting for her and it just totally disturbed her life. Even she was unable to concentrate on her studies. So she was given proper psychotherapeutic intervention including CBT, acceptance, uncondtion regard and empathy.After three to five sessions she is now able to concentrate on her studies and have accepted everything as it is. She has decided to move on in her life with an optimistic view."


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member Nazish Akbar Gondal has shared her experience with us

"A 28 year old married lady with e medical degree was facing adjustment problem at her in laws home. She was suffering from low self esteem and low self confidence level while dealing with people at her new home, was unable to fulfill new responsibilities, to understand and treat them in an appropriate way. These things were creating huge problem in her married life and she was in too much stress because of fear that her husband will leave her and will not accept this atittude from her. She approched me with a very helpless condition. After careful analysis of her problem and providing psychological counseling, she end up with a considerable self confidence and well adjustment skills. Now she is living happily with her husband and in laws."


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member fakhar un nisa has shared her experience with us

"Client Mr N, Male ,age 40 years old was brought to my facility by his brother with complaints of disorganized speech, Hallucinations, Delusions, Negative Symptoms (diminished emotional expression, Avolition and Asociality).He belongs to middle socio-ecnomic class.
The current illness of my client was started back , when he was in 9th class suffered with typhoid , temperture went unattended and client's conditioned worsend,after that they visited a doctor and got medication. After few months, his eating behavior was disturbed. He did not know when to use washroom and passed stool anywhere he was. He suffered from this condition for few months and his family discontinued medicine considering this problem a side effect of medicine. With parental support and family guidance, his condition came to a normal level. In early 20s, again my client was facing the same symptoms related to his eating behavior was disturbed, he used to eat in a large amount (without chewing) which resulted in vomiting and diarrhea. His bodily condition deteriorated and became weak due to continuous vomiting. His family took him to different hospitals for treatment and he was admitted there for few months.

Client’s brother reported that they cannot keep him in house because he starts wandering in streets in night, he tries to harm others when someone is being aggressive to him. He does not have any reality content so being in a community living, his family was facing difficulties. Client faces difficulty in making social contacts. He reported of seeing several wives, children and English women. He has no reality contact of his surrounding, his speech is incoherent and diminished emotional expression (avolition). He smoked cigarettes before coming to us and he has indulged himself in masturbation lately.

The client suffered with schizophrenia , it was a very difficult case to handle due to his slow prognosis , he even cant recognise his own pain and suffering . our target is to counsel family the cooperate with us to enable the client improve his social skills , so that he can maintain his daily routine and easily adapte social behaviour . By the effort of our team and coorrperation of continue help of family support we were able to foster positive effects on our client .

Although the tenure was very long but my client was able to do his daily task and start doing little home chores and maitained his room and dressing and eating pattren.The treatment is not end here , he is still on medication and getting his psychological session with the help of his family support .
The main thing we need to understand that the help of family and social community is the key component of mental health for any psychological ill individual.
Alhamdolillah he got well ""


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared her experience with us

"The client A.A was 19 years old. He faced lack of care at home. He has some memory issues as he couldn’t memorize things. Moreover he listened to the songs all the time.
Even sometimes he felt that he can’t live without listening to the music. He also wanted to be independent.
When he came to me first of all I worked on his music habits by applying CBT and BT.
After the therapies significant improvements showed in him as he improved his attention span.
He changed his habits of listening to the music all the time. Now he is an active and happy member of the society."


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared her experience with us

"The client A.K was 14 years old male. He was referred for the purpose of assessment and management of his problems of poor performance,
forgetfulness and motor problems.
The client was assigned to the therapist and told by his teacher that the client has a low mental level, problems while performing any tasks,forgetfulness, walking problem and grasping problem. The therapist performed some activities according to client’s interest and to identify the level of self-help, motor skills, cognitive skills, language and social skills. For this purpose, Functional
Checklist for Initial Assessment and Portage Guide to Early Education (PGEE) were used. The important areas like socialization and communication were strengthened out as to make the client socially independent and secured."


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared her experience with us

"A little girl named S. B. was referred to me.
The girl was diagnosed with the attention deficit problems.
Her attention span was very short. To improve her attention span
I used different colored charts, tangible rewards such as coloured pencils.
I asked her to perform different activities for three to four minutes.
Total six sessions were conducted with her. After the last session a little
improvement was observed. She was listening attentively to her teacher's instructions.


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member Nabeela Hassan shared her success story with us

"The client K.B was 25 years old married female. She was presented with symptoms of sad mood, sleep problem, poor appetite, body pains, forgetfulness, feeling of worthless, suicidal ideation and negative thoughts about the future. Her problem started nine months before after the second marriage of her husband.
Psychological assessment including
Clinical Interview, Clinical Observation, Mental Status Examination (MSE). Results indicated that client was suffering from Major Depressive Disorder (Severe and Single Episode)
296.22(F32.1). The client was properly Psycho educated about the nature of the problem and its management.
The suggested therapeutic interventions was mainly consisted of Supportive
Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy techniques including Activity Schedule, Mastery and Pleasure Ratings, Sleep Hygiene steps, Cognitive Restructuring and Relaxation Exercise.
The client showed marked improvement after treatment.


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared her experience with us

"The child was a fourteen years old boy. The child was presenting the complaints of language problem and motor problem with mild intellectual disability. Behavioral observation, clinical interview, functional checklist and Portage Guide to early education were used for the assessment of the child. By functional checklist it was came to know that the child was poor in some areas like learning skills, he was slow learner, motor skills like walking, language skills like muscle movement, or muscle movement. Management plan focused on development and enhancement of learning readiness skills such as eye-hand coordination, speech problem such as slowly talking and production of speech. The child was isolated and not too much social. He was even not distracted by any environmental stimulus.
Six sessions were conducted with the client and some improvements was observed in his social skills such as saying thank you and please."


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a lovely experience with us

"The client S.Z was 9 years old and was facing problem related to learning and he was hyperactive. He faced problem in the proper communication. By spending some minutes with him a hypothesis was developed that he was hyperactive and slow learner. So an assessment plan was organized to confirm the hypothesis.
He was not giving proper attention. Severe cognitive and social disabilities were present in him. As he was hyperactive so some physical activity was designed to make him calm. He had severe learning disabilities present. Overall six sessions were conducted including a group activity in the presence of trainee Psychologist to incorporate in children the skill of socialization. Rules of the activity were told.
The positive thing that observed in him was he shared the balloons with other children. Although his emotional state was too much exaggerated during the whole activity but somehow he learned the skill of interaction and sharing with others."


Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."

Our team member Nabeela Hassan has shared a success story with us

"The client M.G was 22 years old Female. referred to me for the purpose of assessment and management of her problems.
She was presented
with the symptoms of poor self confident, breathing problem during presentation, ignore gathering, stage Anxiety, fear of Group activity or individual task perform, low mood, low
confident from the childhood.
Clinical assessment including Clinical Interview, Mental Status
Examination (MSE) and BAI (Back Anxiety Inventory) were done. Assessment results indicated that the
client was suffering from severe social Anxiety.
The client showed significant improvement in her symptoms after implementing therapeutic interventions. The marked improvement was observed in the client’s problems related to fear and low confident, cold sweats, pounding heart."

For more of our success stories and updates please visit our page here 

  • LinkedIn
  • An individual dismissed from service on account of Misconduct from a federal govt department of Pakistan has approached us for assistance. He pointed out illegal appointments in his department and as a result got victimised.InshaAllah will try our best.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  Son of an individual who was unfairly dismissed from service  of Airforce as a result of decision by District Court marshal, years back on charge of possessing fake currency notes , has approached us for relief. His father is in state of paralysis.InshaAllah we are trying to help him as much we can.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •,#PartialSuccessShe deleted her account and she is thinking that this is going to save her.No matter what the Gender of Oppressor is.......... We have NO MERCY for oppression.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  • #PartialSuccessA Psychologist posted on his wall that Crime Victim Services is a fake organisation. After receiving information about us he ran away and left LinkedIn. But we will reach wherever he is and InshaAllah trace even the mobile from where he posted that comment.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  Our team member Sadaqat Shaikh has shared her experience with us."Client x-y-z suffer from severe depression there's no medical or drugs history but her root cause of depression lonely-ness hopeless-ness or financial issues . She belongs to the middle family. after all that she said she had a relationship with a person ( male ) . In the beginning he is very good or caring about her  but after 1 nd half month he started to torcher her ( like if you don't do this i will leave you ) sometime he want to meet her hit her slap her and so on when she refused him he  get angry and harass her mentally she was very scared. When client share with me all these things I was very shocked how she tolerate him then I start her counseling and medical treatment that she cut her hand and foot daily meeting and physiotherapy and  medicine change her life she feels better then before nd now she left him nd happy without him ...""MashaaAllah May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause. Aameen

  •  A Provincial govt employee Naib Qasid approached Dr. Mukarram Baig that his salary arrears are not being paid because his director is asking for bribe and unfortunately the director Anticorruption of that area is brother of this director.InshaAllah will take up the case with NAB Sukhar against both brothers.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  AlhamdolillahThe continuous efforts of Dr. Mukarram Baig for reconciliation between two families who Seperated from each other around 26 years ago due to a divorce, finally resulted into reconciliation and family reunion. There were tears of joy and lots of prayers for those who played positive role.A family who played negative role was identified and their acts exposed... But they were forgiven by both parties.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  Our team member has reported about a fraud that occured with an individual in Pakistan on the Internet by an individual outside Pakistan.The case is pending with FIA and they are proceeding as per their laws and powers.We have advised the individual to wait for the outcome of case of FIA as no other organisation has jurisdiction over cyber crime. May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  An individual dismissed from service on account of Misconduct from a federal govt department of Pakistan has approached us for assistance. He pointed out illegal appointments in his department and as a result got victimised.InshaAllah will try our best.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  An individual from Pannu Aaqil approached us for smooth  recovery of his arrears of salary etc where as concerned staff was asking for bribe to release the payments.It's a fit case for Raid and Trap. So we have advised him accordingly.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  We have offered our support and services to Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) for all the endeavours.InshaAllah will support every individual and organisation which is working for betterment of the living beings.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  InshaAllah will use the restorative justice to solve the issue.A female tuition teacher (victim) they had hired for the children in their home, has asked for help. The women (victim) mentioned is married to a person who used to work in law enforcement/ intelligence services and now is currently out of job. The women is currently the sole earner of her household and earns by teaching. She is a mother of 3 children (2 sons and 1 daughter). The victim has reported that her husband has constantly subjected her to violence, domestic and financial abuse. He keeps a gun in the house and threatens her. She also reported that he has kept all of her documents such as CNIC hostage and takes away any income that she earns. She has been looking for a way out of this situation but she is scared to ask the police for help as her husband is very well connected and it will have little effect. She has inquired if there is an organization that can help her relocate to a safe place and provide legal and physical protection. Where she can live with her youngest daughter, as the 2 elder sons want to live with their father

  • #HelpNeededOur team member from sargodha has shared a situation "" Miss S. A is recently divorced she has 4 kids  with her . She has no one like father brother or any male member who helps her in daily expenses. As She has no way of living. No shelter and no source of income. So it is requested you to help her in such a messy condition as per you can easily do.. thankyou all. May Allah Ta'ala bless you more ameen.""

  • #Alhamdolillah connected with around 47000 plus, Law knowing individuals who r ready to give service to the people.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  • #HelpNeeded plz

  •  Alhamdolillah our team member Faisal Shabbir Shah has reported good news as following""Sir,An individual who used to work for a crypto currency’s block chain was threatened by the staff of an security agency who abused the power of a red collar officer. He was asked to pay the losses of some particular persons who invested their money in it. He approached for help and was immediately informed to not to worry as no body can force him to pay for the losses of their poor decision taking. I personally contacted the red collar officer and told him that since he was not partner in the profit so he will not share any loss. Moreover such investments are voluntary and person investing has to make cautious decisions. He was clearly told that in future if any of your subordinate calls him for the same we at Crime Victim Services Pakistan  will follow it as an organization. Thanks he got the message and promised to not disturb the individual.""MashaAllahMay Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  • #HelpNeededThere are so many people who r suffering but they don't have the courage to ask for help.We need to look after them as much we can.Inbox if Allah has chosen u to help them.

  • Dr. Mukarram Baig Crime Victim Services Pakistan #technologyinnovation #Zoomtricksthis article see in video and read as written form as well

  • Check out this job at Crime Victim Services Pakistan:

  • #FailureOrSuccess? A Divorcee single mother  approached us for helping her get the inheritance right of her daughter which arose from the death of Paternal grandmother (old lady) of the daughter despite that daughters father (son of old lady) had died prior to the death of old lady.The divorcee single mother  had a team of very expensive lawyers who were misguiding her just to grab heavy fees and a matter which could have been resolved at tehsil dar level was stretched to Supreme Court level.Unfortunately the divorcee single mother couldn't get convinced that her team of lawyers was not solving the problem, but prolonging the problem.We tried our best.We can help the oppressed if he/she is able to differentiate between friends and enemies. In such case when the oppressed is unwilling, the best we can do is Pray for his/her ease. May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.AameenWe have rated it as a failure despite that we did our best. What do u think. Its a success or a failure?

  •  Our team member Atia Fareed will be speaking on issue regarding handling stress at work, specially for medical students, a virtual session and InshaAllah we expect that it will be very beneficial for medical students.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •   Alhamdolillah we have lionesses as our team members like  Ayesha S. who has not only defeated Covid 19 but also looked after her family in such health condition.It's not difficult once you are determined to do it.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds.Aameen

  •  A kid got lost and Seperated from his parents. Our team member Kamran Ali Khan with his tireless efforts and using all his personal connections finally succeeded in finding the parents and reuniting the family. MashaAllahMay Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds.Aameen

  •  Part 2 A 15 years old female student from outside Pakistan............ Dr. Mukarram Baig had an online session.....

  •  A boy teen age living in India approached for help. He was betrayed by his real brothers and family. Was suicidal.Dr. Mukarram Baig counseled him and Narrated him the story of Hazrat Yousaf from Quran. Alhamdolillah in the very first session he was convinced to let the thoughts of suicide go and star all over again. He showed interest in reading Quran translation also.MashaaAllahMay Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  Alhamdolillah necessary advice given and legal assistance offered.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds.Aameen

  •  One of our connections ROY SAADI requested medicine for an old age individual whose one side of body is not working properly and has lost control of excretions.After detailed discussions and research a homio medicine has been prescribed and InshaAllah results are expected within 3 days.MashaaAllahMay Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds.Aameen

  •  Our team member has prescribed medicines for treatment of "" stones""in Gall bladder and Right kidney.Our Practisioner takes cases who are declared NOT TREATABLE WITH MEDICINES and alhamdolillah people get well without surgery.MashaaAllahMay Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds.Aameen

  •  Our team member Sana Mansoor spreading the important information to masses.MashaaAllahMay Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds.Aameen

  • For more information and updates please visit us at #legalservices #Medicalservices #psychologists #pakistan #humanrights #victimsupport #professionalservices #reporter #victimsrights

  •  A client age 28 from Dera Ghazi Khan, who was wrongly alleged (as informed by him) by his step mother age 54,  for an attempt of  rape. Necessary details were taken from him and advised/counseled accordingly.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  From Arif wala, Punjab, Pakistan, Family of teen age victim approached us for assistance. They came to know that their kid was raped a number of times on different occasions by the Molvi sb in madrissa while the kid used to go to study Quran to him.After getting the necessary details, they were advised accordingly.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  An individual dismissed from service on account of Misconduct from a federal govt department of Pakistan has approached us for assistance. He pointed out illegal appointments in his department and as a result got victimised.InshaAllah will try our best.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  A NGO in UK approached us regarding collaboration in the field of anti human trafficking. Dr. Mukarram Baig and our team member Sana Sharifuddin Pirzada  using their  personal connections in FIA, gathered all the required information for getting the relevant data, and provided it free of cost.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  AlhamdolillahOne of practicing lawyers and a detective has joined Crime Victim Services Pakistan from Italy.Let us know if anyone needs any type of assistance there.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  Alhamdolillah.One of very good connections of Dr. Mukarram Baig has been posted to Greece for Anti Human Trafficking activities.Inbox if anybody is there and needs assistance with respect to visa etc.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  A client has approached and  provided information about a few persons who defrauded and forged documents and evidence to get American citizenship..he has been advised to provide evidence. Dr. Mukarram Baig has connections in Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). InshaaAllah will get it done.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds.Aameen

  •  Alhamdolillah one of our Senior Coordinators had symptoms of Covid19. She isolated herself at home and is MashaaAllah feeling better. We are proud to have warriors with us on oaed. May Allah give health to all those who are sick.Aameen

  • For more information and updates please visit us at #legalservices #Medicalservices #psychologists #pakistan #humanrights #victimsupport #professionalservices #reporter #victimsrights

  • Dr. Mukarram Baig Crime Victim Services Pakistan #Health4all #Dieatryfood #Dietrytips

  • For more information and updates please visit us at #legalservices #Medicalservices #psychologists #pakistan #humanrights #victimsupport #professionalservices #reporter #victimsrights

  • Please Share with the females u know,How to report domestic violence in Pakistan?

  • How to report domestic violence in Pakistan?

  •  Alhamdolillah the financial support received from one of my connections in UK has been delivered to the needy person.Alhamdolillah our team member Muhammad sachal and Crime Victim Services Pakistan was chosen by Allah for this noble act. Sharing vedio on request of the needy person.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds.Aameen

  •  Alhamdolillah with special efforts of our team member Aatra Azfar, we have approached the Chairman EOBI Pakistan regarding a very complex case of pension. He said its very difficult but he will try his best and InshaAllah will get it done.MashaaAllahIt's a blessing for the one who is chosen by Allah for somebody's help.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  • Our team member Saher Masood  needs some information for conducting a survey. The information Recieved will definitely of use to someone. Let's help her out with the task and fill it up.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds.Aameen

  • Dr. Mukarram Baig Dr Saba Abbas baig Crime Victim Services Pakistan #lifestylechallenge #life #lifequotes #lifeline

  • #JoinAsAssistantCoordinatorInbox the Answers to  the questions shared via link below in the form of  audio message to Dr. Mukarram Baig  for joining as Assistant Coordinator Crime Victim Services Pakistan.,#PrepareforInterview#InterviewQuestions for Assistant Coordinator1)Your Last degree and present commitments2) Description of the post you applied for .3)Salary/Compensation for the post you applied.4)Timing for the post you applied.5)Your main motivation to join Crime Victim Services Pakistan  Answers to question 2,3,4 are available on the post advertisement which can be viewed again here

  • Incase someone wants to support the person.Don't hesitate., A victim has approached us for help.One of our Projects is underway for such individuals. InshaaAllah we will help them by providing a place where they feel secure and necessary counselling and rehabilitation can be provided. May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  An individual dismissed from service on account of Misconduct from a federal govt department of Pakistan has approached us for assistance. He pointed out illegal appointments in his department and as a result got victimised.InshaAllah will try our best.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  A victim has approached us for help.One of our Projects is underway for such individuals. InshaaAllah we will help them by providing a place where they feel secure and necessary counselling and rehabilitation can be provided. May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds for the cause.Aameen

  •  MashaAllah. Excellent contribution by our team member Tanveer Ahmed during Covid19 days.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds.Aameen,Dr. Mukarram Baig Crime Victim Services Pakistan#AIOU #Coursecode9054 #9054 #BSEnglish #AIOUBSEnglish

  •  An individual Mr. KH working in administration in a private cellular organisation in islamabad has approached us. He got terminated on account of  misconduct with his senior.His financial situation was really bad. He has been assigned to the concerned team for assistance.May Allah accept all our efforts as good deeds.Aameen.

More recent success stories : 

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